The essentialness of (the right) amino acids for life on Earth

Amino acids are essential for all life on earth. These very important molecules are the precursors of proteins. Amino acids may be the most important addition to a plant’s diet. As far as human knowledge goes, all life on earth is made possible by the synthesis of amino acids by plants through the fixation of nitrogen from the atmosphere. The list of advantages when it comes to the application of amino acid products is endless. From strengthening plant cells, to increasing the chlorophyll levels in the leaves and chelating nutrients in the ecosystem. This however only holds true for a certain amount of specific amino acids, namely the left turning (L-amino acids). These amino acids are the basis of protein creation and provide the plants with organic nitrogen.
In nature, only left turning amino acids are synthesized. They are hydrolyzed via enzymatic hydrolyzation. The amino acids in GEN200 Grow are hydrolyzed in the exact same manner, only this biosynthesis process is controlled by humans. Because of this hydrolyzation, the molecules in GEN200 Grow are not foreign to the plants that are living in the ecosystem that the acids are added to. Using molecules that are unfamiliar to the ecosystem will most likely stunt the growth and have many other adverse effects.